There was a metallic knock in the legs, which progressed. By the end of the winter on the bumps, began to feel very strongly. The rest of the suspension was fine, but all the service stations said that the steering rack was out of order.
They said to take it off, reassemble and turn a new stopper.
There are only a few places in the rack that can knock. These are the fixation points of the shaft and housing. And the splined connection between the gearbox and the shaft. But it happens when the rack is in pieces.
The stopper that was on the right wasn’t loose.
The knock was on the left where is the clamping, adjusting sleeve (paddle).
Decided to try to adjust it without removing it.
Engineers have done everything to complicate the process.
You have to unscrew the locknut that secures the threaded guide that holds the paddle in place.
This is the main problem. It can only be unscrewed with a special wrench. No head, wrench, etc. can reach and unscrew

A key was ordered to be made.

Unscrewed, removed. There was almost no grease. The rack was sweating on that side as well. Apparently, the grease was leaking out through the oil seal. I put grease on it, tightened it, and adjusted it according to the manual.
The problem was fixed and I saved money.