In freezing weather, the battery’s ability to accept a charge decreases significantly. Therefore, travel in sub-zero temperatures, which is not uncommon in our latitudes, quickly leads to complete discharge of even a good battery. BMW X3 E83 2004 with mileage of 105 thousand kilometers. On the dashboard, there is a low battery indication. The car mechanic needs to charge the battery if possible or change the battery.

BMW X3 E83 Change the battery
It is recommended with the onset of winter to periodically remove and charge the battery. You can do this yourself or contact the car service. The approximate service life of the battery is about five years. The BMW X3 E83 is equipped with a Varta battery (not original), which is located, as on most BMW cars, in the trunk. It is necessary to replace the battery.

Replacement of the battery in a BMW X3 E83 takes minutes. It is enough to unscrew the terminals, remove the mount. You can replace the battery. In order not to suffer after with the settings of the radio, for example, it is desirable to connect the car to an external power source. On some cars, it is necessary to “prescribe” the battery so that the system will know that it is new. On BMW X3 E83 – this procedure is not necessary.
An interesting fact: batteries differ in the diameter of contact terminals, there are European and Asian standards. Therefore, manufacturers have come up with special adapters, from “thin” to “thick” terminals.