What coolant to use for BMW X6 E71 2008 – 2014

Antifreeze for BMW X6 E71
The table shows the type and color of antifreeze required to fill the BMW X6 E71, manufactured from 2008 to 2014.

EearEngineA typeColorLifetimeRecommended manufacturers
2008gasoline, dieselG12 +redfrom 4 to 5 yearsChevron, G-Energy, Freecor
2009gasoline, dieselG12 +redfrom 4 to 5 yearsHavoline, MOTUL Ultra, Lukoil Ultra, GlasElf
2010gasoline, dieselG12 +redfrom 4 to 5 yearsHavoline, AWM, G-Energy
2011gasoline, dieselG12 +redfrom 4 to 5 yearsHavoline, MOTUL Ultra, Freecor, AWM
2012gasoline, dieselG12 +redfrom 4 to 5 yearsHavoline, AWM, G-Energy, Freecor
2013gasoline, dieselG12 +redfrom 4 to 5 yearsFrostschutzmittel A, VAG, FEBI, Zerex G
2014gasoline, dieselG12 ++redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFreecor QR, Freecor DSC, Glysantin G 40, FEBI

For a proper purchase you only need to know the Type and Color (shade) of antifreeze allowed for your specific body year. The same Antifreeze Type can be available in different colors, the table shows such cases.
In the case of a complete fluid change, it is sufficient to know only the type of antifreeze that is suitable. If you need to refill, it is important to know also the Color of the already filled fluid. Manufacturer choose at your discretion. Do not forget – each type of fluid has its own service life.

For example: For a 2008 BMW X6 (E71), with a gasoline or diesel engine type, a – Carboxylate grade antifreeze, type G12+ with shades of red will do. Approximate time of the next replacement will be – from 4 to 5 years.

If possible, check the fluid selected against the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications and service intervals.

The possible colors of each fluid type are listed below.
There are cases where the color has different shades. For example, red may be pink or light orange.

It is possible to mix fluid from different manufacturers as long as their types match the mixing conditions.

  • G11 can be mixed with counterparts of G11
  • G11 must not be mixed with G12
  • G11 can be mixed with G12+
  • G11 can be mixed G12+
  • G11 can be mixed G13
  • G12 can be mixed with counterparts G12
  • G12 must not be mixed with G11
  • G12 can be mixed with G12+
  • G12 must not be mixed with G12++.
  • G12 must not be mixed with G13
  • G12+, G12++ and G13 can be mixed together.
  • Do not mix Antifreeze with Tosol. Under no conditions!

It is advisable but not obligatory to take the color into account when mixing.
Tosol and Antifreeze are very different qualities. Tosol is the trade name for the traditional type (TL) coolant of the old type.
At the end of its useful life, the fluid will become completely discolored or severely dull. Before replacing one type of fluid with another, flush the vehicle’s radiator with plain water.

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