Where is the battery in an Audi A4 B7?
The Audi A4 battery is in the trunk, above the spare tire
Replacing and adapting the battery Audi A4 B7
In the first frost it turned out that my battery was too weak/ You bet! 6 years of service.
It was decided to change it for a new one. As usually I preferred Varta. My store advised me vehemently to buy a 100Ah battery. Instead of my 80 Ah battery. In fact, I bought it.
When I came home and remembered that I should prescribe it somehow, I went on the Internet. I found out that only regular batteries and their analogs can be registered.
There are no 100Ah standard batteries. Well… I returned it to the store.
How the salesman moaned that it is all nonsense, there is no need to prescribe anything. You just have to put it in and drive! But we know that the engineers of Audi will not invent anything just like that.
After delving into this question, I understood what it is. The prescription is needed to update a cycle of charges/discharges in brains of a car. And also for the alternator to deliver enough power to charge if you put in a different capacity. And a ruler in the MMI to show the correct value.
It was decided to use something big instead of the regular 80.
Of the options were only 92, 95, 105, 120. But I excluded 92 and 105 at once. For 92 is AGM, and 105 has too high capacity, but the point is that they are much more expensive. Stopped on Exide Exell 95 with starting power 800A. Who does not know – polarity is reversed.
Further a question about starting power appeared.
On a regular one it is written 380A – is it not enough you will say? Taking into consideration, that new one is for 800A.
It turned out that everything is not so simple. These are different standards. DIN, SAE, EN. Standard, for example, is calculated on a DIN scale.
The standards are
DIN (German industrial standard) – the test is carried out at -18C. After discharging the battery with a cold start, the voltage must not fall below 7.2V for 10 seconds.
EN (European standard) – the test is carried out at -18C. After discharging the battery with a cold start the voltage must not drop below 9V for 30 seconds and 6V for 150 seconds.
SAE (American standard) – tested at -18°C. After discharging the battery with a cold start, the voltage must not drop below 7.2V for 30 seconds.
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) – tested at -18°C. After discharging battery with a cold start, the voltage must not drop below 8.4 volts for 60 seconds.
Therefore, based on the formula, according to the EN school, the old battery has a starting current of 633A. This is normal.
The replacement procedure did not take much work.
We open the trunk, remove the spare and get access to the battery.
After that, unscrew the two bolts securing it.

In order not to reset all the errors then and not to re-set the settings, I connected to the under-hood terminals of another car.

Now you can safely remove the battery and install a new one.

We need a table with catalogs of standard batteries:
000 915 105 DH – 80 Ah /380A
000 915 105 DK – 95 Ah /450A
000 915 105 CE – 92 Ah /520A
000 915 105 CF – 105 Ah /580A /830A (EA)
000 915 105 DL – 110 Ah /520A
Connecting to VAG-COM
[61 – Battery Regul]
[Coding – 07]
Choose the brand we need, enter the catalog number
(in my case it’s 000915105DK)
The serial number can write any.

choose the right brand
type in the desired model
Save it.
That’s it! Now the car starts with a half a turn.
I drove all winter with this battery. The thermometer was below -30°. Despite the absence of autostart and webasto, it started at the first attempt and even without dips. Did not experience any problems with starting the car.
There are some people who have block 61 not active. Typically on the restyle and other newer cars.
In these cars, the battery is prescribed in the 19 blocks.
There press “adaptation”, and look for the item “battery information/replacement”.
Usually, it is channel 4.
There are hints there. If not, the info you need should look like this:
Example MOLL 70Ah battery coding for A4 B8: 8K0915105C MLA 08030152VK
Manufacturer Codes:
5DO – Boading
TU3 – Exide
MLA – Moll
VA0 – Varta
UM5 – Acuma