Mazda MX-5

How much does a Mazda MX-5 weigh

Body size is one of the most important parameters when choosing a car. The bigger the car, the more difficult it is to drive in a modern city, but also safer. The dimensions of the Mazda MX5 are determined by three values: the length of the body, the width of the body, and the height […]


Who makes Mazda engines? MZR/Duratec/Zetec

Zetec / Zetec-E In 1991, the first Escort model was equipped with the Zetec engine assembled at the Bridgend plant in Wales, direct descendants of which were produced until the mid-2000s. This engine is still considered a very successful development, and in those years, it was revolutionary for Ford. Half a billion pounds have been […]

CX-5 Mazda

How to change the battery in Mazda CX5 key fob? How to open the Mazda key fob?

All you need to replace the battery in the Mazda CX-5 key fob is a small flat screwdriver and a new battery. Panasonic, GE, Sony, Maxell, Energizer and Duracell make such “pills”, the battery number is CR2025. How to change the battery in the Mazda CX-5 key First you have to press the button on […]


Where is Mazda made? Who makes Mazda cars?

Mazda Motor Corporation is a Japanese passenger car manufacturer that produces Mazda cars. The company is headquartered in Hiroshima. The main production facilities are located in Japan. It assembles about 70% of the cars (of all produced by Mazda). Production bases worldwide are in: the U.S., China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Africa, Ecuador, and Colombia. The […]