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VIN Decoder:
Acura Alfa Romeo Audi Bentley Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chery Chevrolet USA and KOREA Chrysler Citroen Daewoo Datsun Dodge Fiat Ford Google Great Wall Honda Hummer Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Jeep Kia Lancia Land Rover and Range Rover Lexus Maserati Maybach Mazda MERCEDES-BENZ (commercial vehicles) MERCEDES-BENZ Mitsubishi Nissan OLDSMOBILE Opel PONTIAC Porsche Renault Saab Saturn Seat SKODA Subaru Tesla Toyota Volkswagen Volvo
How can I find out the equipment of my car according to the VIN number?
To check the technical characteristics (configuration) of the car, you need to insert the unique identification number of the vehicle (VIN code), consisting of 17 characters, in the check box above on the page and click “APPLY”.
If there is no VIN code in the database, the following message will appear: “There is no information on the requested VIN code”.
The decoding of the VIN number (check the configuration) on our site is FREE OF CHARGE and is not limited by the number of requests.

What does a Vin code consist of?
Vin-code (body number) of a car consists of 17 alphabetic and numeric symbols, which are divided into three parts: WMI – 3 values, VDS – 6 values, and VIS – 8 symbols. The instruction below will help you to easily decipher the VIN number for free. By understanding the unique body number in detail, you can learn a lot about the car: the country of the manufacturer, the series of the car, the year of manufacture, and even the configuration. Next, we’ll look at the three parts of the VIN code.
WMI part of the VIN number
WMI – (World Manufacturers Identification) – index of the manufacturer. With the first three characters begins the decoding of the VIN code. The first three characters, as required by ISO 3780 standard, are letters and numbers, which are assigned depending on the country of manufacture. The correctness of their use is controlled by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), which operates under the supervision of the International Organization for Standards (ISO).
The first symbol is the geographical area. The symbol can be either a letter or a number. For example, North America is designated by numbers from 1 to 5, Europe – by letters from S to Z, Africa – by letters from A to N. South America is designated by numbers 8, 9, 0, countries of Oceania – by numbers 6, 7 and finally Asia – by letters from J to R.
The second character of the wine code identifies the country in a particular geographical area. It happens that one country can be identified by several symbols. The U.S. has a combination from 10 to 19, Canada from 2A to 2W, and Germany from W0 to W9.
A third symbol is assigned to a particular manufacturer by the National Organization. For manufacturers who produce less than 500 cars a year, the number 9 is assigned. These may be small companies producing gypper cars, or, for example, firms engaged in the production of fire-fighting vehicles and other specific equipment. Manufacturers who produce more than 500 units per year are given an additional code in the 12-14 positions.
VDS Part of the VIN Code
VDS (Vehicle Description Section) is a descriptive part of the VIN. The Vehicle Description Section occupies positions 4 through 9 of the VIN and consists of 6 characters. If the manufacturer uses only five VDS characters, the sixth value is denoted by the number 0. This part helps identify the model and modification of the vehicle. There is often information about the equipment of the car according to the VIN number. The fourth symbol indicates the body type of the vehicle, the fifth is the engine type, and the sixth is the model. Subsequent symbols can indicate the series of cars, the maximum permissible mass, type of cabin, body, chassis, brake system, and others.
The last, ninth symbol of the VDS part is the most important numeric symbol, by which the correctness of the whole VIN is checked.
What does the VIS part mean?
VIS (Vehicle Identifier Section) is the distinctive section of the VIN.
The last eight characters of the car body number occupy positions 10 to 17, with the last four characters always being numbers.
The VIS code is the last part where the decoding of the VIN ends. As a rule, the 10th symbol indicates the Model Year or Year of manufacture according to the body number, and the 11th symbol indicates the plant where the vehicle was assembled. Another digital symbols are the serial number of the car.
Thus, now you know how to identify a set of a car by VIN number or any other information about the car. If you don’t want to remember so much information, just use our service of checking the VIN number online without any restrictions.