The VIN entered is invalid. Please check and try again.
The information below applies to the company’s passenger cars and light commercial models only. For heavy commercial models (VIN starts with the international manufacturer code WMI = VF6, VSY, X9P) and buses (VNE), there is no information yet.
The VIN of the Renault vehicles explicitly contains only one useful information – the model range code. Therefore, if you need to clarify those or other features of a particular vehicle at the official dealers, you must have all 17 characters of VIN.
Also in the VIN cars Renault, except sold in some markets, is not counted and does not specify a control number in the 9th position, as required by the standard.
 | P / p No. | Sign | Description |
WMI | 1 | V | Manufacturer’s identification code. |
2 | F | ||
3 | 1 | ||
VDS | 4 | 4 | Body type:0 – “small” van with side glazing (Dokker) 3 – “large” van (Traffic) 4 – sedan, 4 doors (Logan) 5 – hatchback, 5 doors (Sandero) 7 – station wagon, 5 doors, 7 seats (Logan MCV) 8 – “small” van with blank sides (Dokker Van) B – hatchback, 5 doors C – hatchback, 3 doors D – convertible / coupe E – convertible / flatbed truck F – van G – station wagon, 3 doors H – SUV / chassis with cab J – minivan / station wagon K – station wagon L – sedan, 4 doors S – station wagon, 5 doors U – chassis with cab |
5 | S | Lineup / platform:0 – Twingo 1 – R4 2 – R25 3 – R4 4 – R21 / Express 5 – Clio I / Laguna / R19 / Safrane A – Megane I / Master B – Clio II C – Kangoo D – Master E – Espace III / Avantime G – Laguna II H – Master Propulsion J – Vel Satis / New Traffic K – Espace IV L – Trafic M – Megan II P – Modus S – Logan / Sandero / Duster / Dokker / Lodgy |
6 | R | Engine code and basic equipment (individual for each model range/platform) | |
7 | A | ||
eight | P | ||
nine | 4 | Value not known | |
 | ten | 5 | Model year |
eleven | X | Serial number | |
12 | X | ||
13 | X | ||
fourteen | X | ||
15 | X | ||
16 | X | ||
17 | X |
List of possible WMIs for RENAULT
Brand | WMI | Add. code | Manufacturer | Brand owner | Code of the country | Country | Additionally | Created / edited date | VIN decoding |
RENAULT | 3BN | Â | Renault Mexico Sa De Cv (MEX) | RENAULT-NISSAN | 3B | Mexico | Â | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | 3BR | Â | Renault Mexico Sa De Cv (MEX) | RENAULT-NISSAN | 3B | Mexico | Â | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | 8A1 | Â | Renault Argentina SA (ARG) | RENAULT-NISSAN | 8A | Argentina | Â | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | 93Y | Â | Renault Do Brasil Automoveis SA (BRA) | RENAULT-NISSAN | 93 | Brazil | Â | 2012-12-26 | ++ |
RENAULT | 9F9 | 084 | CIA Autoensamble Nissan Ltda. (COL) | RENAULT-NISSAN | 9F | Colombia |  | 2012-12-26 | ++ |
RENAULT | 9FB | Â | Sofasa SA (COL) | RENAULT-NISSAN | 9F | Colombia | Â | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | ADN | Â | Nissan SA (Pty) Ltd (ZA) | RENAULT-NISSAN | AD | South Africa | Â | 2012-12-26 | ++ |
RENAULT | LHM | Â | Suzhou Jiangnan Aero Mech & Elec Ind Cor (CHN) | RENAULT-NISSAN | LH | China | Â | 2018-03-25 | ++ |
RENAULT | MEE | Â | Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd (I) | RENAULT-NISSAN | ME | India | Passenger Cars | 2012-12-26 | ++ |
RENAULT | TW3 |  | Renault Protuguesa SARL (P) | RENAULT-NISSAN | TW | Portugal | For domestic and some other markets. In other cases, WMI = VF1 is used | 2013-08-06 | ++ |
RENAULT | VF1 | Â | RENAULT (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VF | France | Â | 1899-12-31 | ++ |
RENAULT | VF1 | Â | SAMSUNG (KOR) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VF | Korea | Renault Koleos | 2008-12-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | VF1 | Â | RENAULT (TR) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VF | Turkey | Â | 1899-12-31 | ++ |
RENAULT | VF2 | Â | RENAULT (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VF | France | Â | 1899-12-31 | Â |
RENAULT | VF6 | Â | Renault Vehicules Industriels (F) | VOLVO AB | VF | France | Magnum, Premium, Xerax | 2007-07-04 | Â |
RENAULT | VF8 | Â | Engins Matra (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VF | France | Renault Espase | 2007-02-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | VFA | Â | Ste Des Automobiles Alpine Renault (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VF | France | Â | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | VMK | Â | RENAULT SAS (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VM | France | Renault spider | 2015-06-13 | ++ |
RENAULT | VMK | Â | RENAULT SAS (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VM | France | Â | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | VN1 | Â | Sovab (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VN | France | commercial | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | VNE | Â | Irisbus France (F) | IRISBUS | VN | France | buses | 2007-07-04 | Â |
RENAULT | VNV | Â | RENAULT SAS (F) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VN | France | Light commercial vehicles | 2015-06-30 | ++ |
RENAULT | VS5 | Â | RENAULT (E) | RENAULT-NISSAN | VS | Spain | Â | 1899-12-31 | ++ |
RENAULT | VSY | Â | RENAULT (E) | VOLVO AB | VS | Spain | Magnum, Premium, Xerax | 2007-07-04 | Â |
RENAULT | W0V | Â | Opel (D) | RENAULT-NISSAN | W0 | Germany | Renault Master | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | WDF | Â | Daimler AG (D) | RENAULT-NISSAN | WD | Germany | Kangoo, Scenic | 2020-08-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | X7L | Â | Avtoframos SP (RUS) | RENAULT-NISSAN | X7 | Russia | Â | 2007-02-27 | ++ |
RENAULT | X9P | Â | Volvo Vostok ZAO (RU) | VOLVO AB | X9 | Russia | trucks | 2010-05-12 | Â |
RENAULT | Y9Z | Â | ZAZ INDUSTRIZ TOV | RENAULT-NISSAN | Y9 | Ukraine | SKD assembly RENAULT Arkana | 2020-10-06 | ++ |
Other car brands:
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